Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Alternative Energy Explained For Home Owners

One problem for home owners today is the increasing price of the utility bill. This bill is feared every month, although we know it is coming and there is no way to get out of it. One of the utilities we most fear is electricity. Electricity is very important in our lives and will be in the future. It plays a very important role in our modern lives and we can't live any more without it. Without electricity we are not save, we can't produce the products we need and can't use all the appliances we love so much. Most people feel that the price of electricity is too high for the amount they consume. Complaining will not be answer to lower the price. There are other alternatives to lower your monthly bill for electricity. One option is to make use of alternative energy. Let's review the most used types of this 'new' energy source.

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Geothermal Renewable Energy - The Earth

Autor: matth02 
The heat of the Earth makes up what is known as geothermal energy. When dust and gasses from Earth mixed together 4 billion years ago, geothermal energy resulted.

Inside the Earth at its core, some 4, 000 miles deep, the temperature is estimated at about 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Geothermal energy has been used throughout history for bathing, relaxing, cooking and heating. It was thought by some to have healing effects and was used to treat eye and skin diseases. The first geothermal generator that produced energy was built in Lardarello, Italy in 1904. The United States followed with their first attempt at geothermal power in 1912 at The Geysers in California. Today it is produced in twenty-one countries around the world.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

There are many energy sources today that are extremely limited in supply. Some of these sources include oil, natural gas, and coal. It is a matter of time before they will be exhausted.

Estimates are that they can only meet our energy demands for another fifty to seventy years. So in an effort to find alternative forms of energy, the world has turned to renewable energy sources as the solution. There are many advantages and disadvantages to this.

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Hydropower Renewable Energy - Fossil Fuel Replacement

Approximately ten percent of energy produced in the United States is from hydropower. In this process, water spins in turbines in generators.

Hydropower is one of the renewable energy sources being researched and implemented to replace fossil fuels, which are in the process of depletion. It does not produce carbon dioxide, as coal power stations do, making it a cleaner, as well as, cheaper alternate way to produce electricity. It is also renewable, with the help of rainwater for replenishment.

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Longer Consumption of Green Coffee Has Better Slimming Effects

Have you ever tried to lose weight? If yes, another question is, have you ever tried a weight loss productGreen Coffee 800, which is a popular and widely known replacement of regular coffee but with much better slimming effects.

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Tava Tea For Safe Weight Loss

Slimming teas are now considerably more obtainable around the globe and affordable in recent times but being able to distinguish which types of teas are worth purchasing and of which are really going to give you the weight loss achievements that you are looking for can be difficult. Even more complicated is learning which tea will not contribute to any unwanted side effects. The assortment of different teas that you will come across is vast and you will have to evaluate many factors and do your research before you choose to fritter away money on a a preparation that may be of completely no benefit at all. However, Tava Tea is widely believed to be a more superior tea of top performance that is naturally manufactured and totally pure so consequently will not have the health dangers that some teas can cause.

Tava Tea is not just a refreshing drink, it is highly potent cleanser and detoxifier and helps the user to acquire great slimming results by quelling one's appetite and giving a kickstart to the metabolism. And that's not all, it is very good for other aspects of your health and fitness. As well as being a pleasant tasting and very hearty tea.

With a wide range of benefits you can learn for yourself the truly powerful antioxidant purposes of Tava Tea. It is laden with staple vitamins, minerals and amino acids that other more substandard green teas may not have. Tava Tea can even help to diminish damaging cholesterol levels and improve mental lucidity, it has been exposed to be very effective at relieving unhappiness and shock due to its soothing attributes. Tava Tea can even help with the anti -aging process and combat free radicals, it can help repair the harm caused to the system by harmful outside influences in a highly competent, yet straightforward and most significantly, natural manner and gives you all that you need in precisely one cup to two cups daily.

Tava Tea can only be obtained through the official internet site and the manufacturers offer a lengthy six month money back warranty so you can buy with security. Who would have believed that you could experience great health by simply supping a cup of tea everyday? Well now it is possible, with Tava Tea you too can benefit from a long-lasting, prosperous and salubrious life.

(ArticlesBase SC #3167944)

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Ocean Tidal Power as Renewable Energy

One of the Earth's great renewable energy sources is actually the energy that can be found in all the waves of the ocean. Let's look at this further.

If you have ever been to the ocean, you were probably fascinated by the phenomena of the waves crashing against the shorelines as the tides came in. The ocean's tides are the product of gravitational pull of the sun and the moon, as well as, the Earth's rotation. It causes the ocean waters to be raised and lowered from time to time. The tides have cycles of twelve and one half hours, twice per day, and are easily predictable.

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General Hydroponics

By: Ranbhir Bhalla
General Hydroponics was established in 1970's by a group of innovative scientists, engineers and technicians with a view to take forward the revolutionary concept of Hydroponics. Today General hydroponics is a leading name in the hydroponics field. They have factories all over North America and Europe. Hydroponic cultivation by NASA on the International Space Station is done with assistance from General Hydroponics.

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The Roots Of Alternative Medicine

By: Lee Dobbins
Alternative medicine and modern medicine have may differences and whose to say which is best? Today, we expect doctors and medicines to fix whatever ails us instantly and doctors only look at the current physical problem when diagnosing our needs.

Alternative or holistic medicine, on the other hand, takes many different factors into consideration before prescribing a cure. This type of healing has been in use for thousands of years and can be very effective. It concerns itself not only with the physical problem, but with the problems of the "whole" self.

Alternative medicine includes massage, therapy, herbal tea, herbal medicine and millions of people today still use these types of treatments instead of or in addition to modern medicine.

Different cultures have had their own specific types of alternative medicine and many different types of treatments. Many of these treatments have survived and are still effective today. In fact, massage, which many people swear by in the modern world is actually one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine and records of massage therapy date back to ancient Egypt.

In ancient Europe there were two types of healers, the professional physicians and the folk healers. The folk healers lived in the lower class and healed the people of each village who could not afford the expensive physicians. These people believed in the folk treatment and it worked for them. This type of situation also occurred in many other cultures.

In Western culture, philosophy was frequently used to assist the folk healers in their quest for a holistic treatment. Philosophy was important because it told the stories of their lives. With a twist of philosophy and religion as well as belief, they easily found the best treatment available for whatever it was that was ailing the villagers of this time.

We now have a more advanced or instantaneous form of medical treatment, but alternative medicine can still be very effective. Massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, herbal, humor therapy, meditation, and many other forms of holistic healing are used every day. In fact some of these treatments have become so popular that they are no longer considered alternative medicine and they are now supported by modern physicians.

Although the theory of alternative medicine has been ridiculed throughout the centuries , it has survived for one reason - It works. Alternative treatments may not work as fast as the treatments that we have today, but these natural types of treatments can be better for you overall, if you just give them a chance.
Author Bio
Lee Dobbins enjoys learning and writing about herbs, home remedies and alternative treatments. Please visit www.herbs-home-remedies.com for more on alternative healing.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

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Renewable Energy and Solar Power

Hi-tech ways to capture enough sunlight per day every day to power everything in a home or business hasn't been discovered yet. The current cost of solar panels can run into thousands of pounds, which would require the panels to produce electricity for years without maintenance in order to see a return on investment. What is needed is more grants available to people to enable them to afford renewable energy in the homes. Otherwise only the relatively well off will be able to afford paying over £2000 for solar panels and then saving money over the next 10-20 years. B & Q and other retailers in the UK have now started to advertise solar and wind turbines on TV, they must becoming more mainstream for them to do this.

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Solar house takes on a temporary resident to test its livability

(NaturalNews) A house powered entirely by solar panels in the Commonwealth of Virginia has a new temporary resident: a state senator.
State Sen. Frank Wagner, Virginia Beach-R, moved in on January 24. The house, which took engineering students and faculty from Virginia Tech 2.5 years to design and build, is a small casa situated next to the Science Museum of Virginia, located in Richmond.

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Worst Alternative Energy Sources Receive Most Attention

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 by: Laura Weldon, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Energy solutions getting the most attention from politicians and the press are 25 to 1,000 times more polluting than the best available choices according to studies by Stanford professor Mark Jacobson. The findings were published in a recent issue of Energy and Environmental Science. Jacobson also testified about his research before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

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The Watermelon: A Fruitful Discovery in Renewable Energy by Melanie

With the dwindling supply of fossil fuels and a rapidly disappearing ozone layer, the search for new energy sources is getting kicked into high gear. And while the advent of renewable energy has sparked discoveries in electric, wind, and solar power, more and more researchers are turning to biofuels as the answer to the world’s energy crisis. Interestingly, recent research has shown that the watermelon is a valuable source of this much sought-after biofuel.

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Alternative Energy Solutions in a Time of Power Changes

It is unofficial - but around the world many of us agree on one thing: it is very likely that there will be an energy change in the future. We all know energy is a big issue in the contemporary world, and we have been convinced that humanity is at a crucial crossroads in its history because we face an energy shortage. Many experts believe this problem can only be solved by the use of alternative energy solutions.

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Improving Our World One LED Light at a Time

LED lights are a wonderful invention that has changed the way the world is lit. Not only are they long lasting, they have many environmental benefits. LED lights are four times more efficient than a regular incandescent light bulb and last 10 times as long. LED lights also use between 50 and 80 percent less energy than an incandescent bulb.

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