The Watermelon: A Fruitful Discovery in Renewable Energy by Melanie
With the dwindling supply of fossil fuels and a rapidly disappearing ozone layer, the search for new energy sources is getting kicked into high gear. And while the advent of renewable energy has sparked discoveries in electric, wind, and solar power, more and more researchers are turning to biofuels as the answer to the world’s energy crisis. Interestingly, recent research has shown that the watermelon is a valuable source of this much sought-after biofuel.
What is biofuel?
Biofuel is a type of fuel derived from renewable biological resources (ranging from a banana peel to grass clippings), or biomass. Biomass is generated by living organisms or metabolic by-products and is most commonly produced by plants and animals.
Why the watermelon?
According to Wayne Fish at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “About 20% of each annual watermelon crop is left in the field because of surface blemishes or because they are misshapen. We’ve shown that the juice of these melons is a source of readily fermentable sugars, representing a heretofore untapped feedstock for ethanol biofuel production.”
Watermelons grown for renewable energy?
Although it is easy to believe that this delicious summertime-favorite fruit was put onto Earth merely for our enjoyment, it is hard to ignore its eco-friendly benefits.
The juice from one watermelon can be used to produce the following high-demand fuel sources:
- Ethanol
- Lycopene
- L-citrulline
How does biofuel conversion work?
The secret exists in the watermelon’s sugar. The sugar is distilled into alcohol, which then becomes the much-needed energy source. Once the juice is converted into energy, it can be used for alternative vehicle power.
Could one fruit make a big enough difference in renewable energy?
Yes! It is estimated that about 50 percent of each watermelon could be used for renewable energy. In fact, every acre of “dud” watermelons (that would otherwise be going to waste) would supply up to 20 gallons of fuel. Even more beneficial, watermelons provide a clean source of energy that differs greatly from the pollutants found in fossil fuels.
What can I do to become more eco-friendly?
Learn more about alternative energy and renewable resources at Check back often to find out what you can do to help combat our energy crisis.
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