Friday, September 3, 2010

Household Energy Saving Tips

Each room or area of your household, including the outdoors, can contribute to making the process of saving energy an efficient one, with undeniable results.

Thus, the attic, for example, is an area which plays a huge role in the energy management of your home, which is why you have to constantly make sure the door of your attic is well insulated. Keep an eye also on the
ventilation system, as it is highly recommended for this space of your house to receive good air ventilation.

Another area of the house which might be causing energy efficiency problems is the bathroom, due to the fact that here the humidity level is always higher. As a consequence, it is advisable to fix any leaky faucets promptly, as studies show that one single leak of one drop per second will in fact waste the huge amount of 250 gallons of water per month, as well as the energy used to heat it. Another tip on saving water is to install water saving shower heads. Obviously, the most efficient modalities of saving both water and energy are related to being self-conscious and taking shorter showers, turning off the water while shaving or brushing your teeth. Moreover, adjusting the water heater thermostat at a temperature below than 120 degrees F will contribute to both reducing the cost of energy spent on
heating and to preventing scalding.

As far as the bedrooms go, and especially the ones for guests, it is recommended to turn off the air conditioning or the heating vents in the rooms you do not use. In addition, for these rooms ceiling fans seem to be the best and energy efficient manner for cooling.

All these smart and easy to put into practice energy saving techniques will eventually turn out to be real solutions for lowering the bills and contributing to keep under control the overall energy consumption.
Source: Free Articles


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